ReMade Syn


Questions or comments? We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your interest in ReMadeSyn.

Our opening hours

Monday to Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday: 9.00am - 12.00pm

Visit us

5 rue Laplace, Bâtiment B5

Call us

06 16 22 74 46

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ReMade Syn
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The information you provide in this form is necessary to be able to reply to you later, and will be shared with the ReMade Syn people responsible for providing you with the information you have requested. For more information on how Remade Syn manages your personal data and your rights, please refer to our privacy policy. The data collected by Remade Syn, whose registered office is located at 5 rue Laplace, Bâtiment B5 33700 MERIGNAC, is processed electronically in order to provide you with information about our innovations and products. You have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you, by contacting You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you, or request their portability or deletion. The recipient of the data is ReMade Syn, which will keep it for the duration of the commercial relationship. If, however, you object to the processing of your data, ReMade Syn will no longer be able to send you any communications.